3rd Australian Biosecurity Symposium Animal Health Australia (AHA) partnered once again with Invasive Species Council, Centre for Invasive Species Solution and Plant Health Australia with the delivery of the 3rd Australian Biosecurity Symposium on the Gold Coast. We had almost 450 delegates from across Australia, Brazil, Canada, Czech Republic, India, Indonesia, New Zealand and Taiwan […]
High pathogenicity avian influenza H7Nx has been confirmed in Victoria.
Twenty participants from across Australia came together in Orange, NSW, recently to focus on the identification of species of Culicoides species biting midges, which can transmit viruses such as Bluetongue virus and Akabane virus. The culicoides entomology training workshop, part of AHAs National Arbovirus Monitoring Program (NAMP), was led and delivered by AHAs Dr Bronwyn […]
Animal disease specialist, Dr Mark Cozens will be the new lead for Australia’s Veterinary Emergency Plan (AUSVETPLAN), who started this month at Animal Health Australia, as the Head of Program. Dr Cozens is a senior veterinarian with experience in both government and private sectors, and has worked overseas on responses such as foot-and-mouth disease and […]
As Australia experiences severe weather events, from bushfires to major floods, it’s important to know the avenues of support that are available to livestock producers if they become a victim of natural disasters. Flood Recovery Support Fire Recovery Support Further Information National Support for flood-affected farmers.A list of key contacts and community-wide flood assistance programs. […]
After six public hearings and 104 submissions to digest, the Rural and Regional Affairs and Transport References Senate Committee, on Thursday the 8th of December, released its 171-page inquiry report on the Adequacy of Australia’s biosecurity measures and response preparedness, in particular with respect to foot and disease and varroa mite. The report has made […]
Animal Health Australia (AHA) has held its 27th Annual General Meeting (AGM) and welcomed two new Board Directors, Lucinda Corrigan and Stuart Crockett, farewelled outgoing Board Directors Paula Fitzgerald and Catherine Cooper, and re-elected Sharon Starick as Chair.
We asked Dr Andy Sheppard and Dr Wilna Vosloo a few questions about the FMD Ready Project and what the team achieved.
The AUSVETPLAN Technical Review Group (TRG) held its 47th meeting in Adelaide, South Australia on the 16-18 August 2022. This groups meets every 6 months. The TRG comprises of biosecurity and emergency animal disease expert staff from the Australian Government Department of Agriculture, Fisheries and Forestry, each of the state and territory governments, and the […]
After much anticipation, a revamped Market Assurance Program for Goats (GoatMAP) has officially been released. Developed in collaboration with Dr Richard Shephard from Herd Health Pty Ltd and a working group of industry and government representatives, the new program will assist producers in promoting their biosecurity and disease low risk status. The update of GoatMAP […]
The founding partners of the Biosecurity Collective welcome today’s release of Australia’s first National Biosecurity Strategy, which marks the start of transformative change to the Australian biosecurity system. The release of the Strategy completes the first step of the Biosecurity Collective’s five-point plan, which also aims to establish 2021-2030 as the Decade of Biosecurity; to […]
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