
Prohibited Pig Feed Compliance and Awareness

Animal Health Australia (AHA) coordinates the Prohibited Pig Feed Compliance and Awareness Project (PPFCAP) on behalf of its relevant members.

It aims to harmonise compliance and awareness work performed by state/territory jurisdictions and industry, to prevent the potential introduction and spread of EADs due to the feeding of prohibited pig feed (swill) to pigs.

The PPFCAP was developed in 2014-15 as a more unified approach to:

  • the harmonisation of State and Territory legislation banning the provision and feeding of prohibited pig feed to prevent the introduction and spread of emergency animal diseases
  • understanding the locations of small pig holdings
  • enabling a national approach to prohibited pig feeding investigation and reporting that includes uniform inspection procedures, and communicates swill feeding outcomes to AHC
  • collaboration between states/territories/industry to implement a national strategy aimed at increasing awareness.

Definition of prohibited pig feed

What can’t be fed to pigs?

What can be fed to pigs?

How swill feeding causes diseases in pigs