
Better On-farm Biosecurity

Animal Health Australia (AHA) coordinates the ongoing review and maintenance of Australia’s terrestrial animal biosecurity manuals and government statements.

AHA also manages the Farm Biosecurity Program in partnership with Plant Health Australia.

Why biosecurity planning is important

Effective biosecurity at the enterprise and industry level is considered extremely important in mitigating the risk of the introduction or spread of animal diseases, and especially for an emergency animal disease into Australia.

A biosecurity plan contains all the measures used to reduce the risk of disease entry or spread. All parties to the Emergency Animal Disease Response Agreement (EADRA) are required to develop, implement and maintain a biosecurity plan or statement for their industry or jurisdiction.

The plans or statements are endorsed by all other parties to the EADRA and are regularly reviewed and maintained.

Who should have a biosecurity management plan?

How to fill out a biosecurity plan

Animal biosecurity manuals

A biosecurity manual contains measures that are used to reduce the risks of diseases entering a property or spreading from a property. AHA, in collaboration with industry bodies, researchers and government agencies, works to develop, review and maintain farm biosecurity manuals for all member industries.

Access AHA’s animal biosecurity manuals on the Farm Biosecurity website.

The Farm Biosecurity website also includes plant biosecurity manuals for the cropping and horticultural sectors that are maintained by Plant Health Australia.

Biosecurity planning for livestock saleyards

Saleyards pose unique biosecurity risks, due to the volume and diversity of livestock which might pass through. AHA has developed a planning template for saleyard owners and operators to assist in identifying and mitigating biosecurity risks in these facilities.

Farm Biosecurity Program

Livestock owners know their livestock and are more likely to notice a problem before anyone else will. They are our greatest biosecurity defence when it comes to surveillance and reducing the impact of a serious animal disease by ensuring suspected animal diseases are reported quickly for containment and eradication.

It is important that everyone plays their part in biosecurity to ensuring we are all adequately protected from potential biosecurity risks such as pests, disease and weeds. Regardless of the scale of your enterprise (from pet livestock to commercial producers), the first step towards reducing biosecurity risk is implementing a biosecurity plan that specifically addresses the unique risks that your business faces.

For more information visit the Farm Biosecurity website.

Tailor your biosecurity management plan

Livestock movements

Animal Health Australia (AHA) coordinates industry-funded programs to manage some diseases in sheep, cattle, goats, deer and alpacas. Controlling livestock movements can be important for disease management and livestock traceability.

States and territory requirements

When moving livestock from one property to another, owners must follow mandatory requirements (e.g. traceability) depending on which animals are being moved and where they are going.

State and territory government agencies often require movement documents, such as animal health declarations, for movement of livestock into them. They may also require testing and/or certification.

Before moving any livestock to a different state/territory, owners should check the requirements with a local animal health officer or on the relevant state or territory website: