The key factor behind the success of AHA’s programs is the ability of members to work together to achieve a common outcome.
AHA’s consultative processes seek to engage members throughout the year to ensure that all members have the opportunity to contribute to each stage of a project.
Members have a high level of involvement in the management of all activities and have formal input to the development of company annual and strategic plans through the Members’ Forum.
The Member’s Forum meets at least twice a year to consult with the Board and management on national animal health system issues and the company’s role. This group plays a major role in prioritising company activities and enables members to address issues of importance to their jurisdiction or industry.
The Livestock Industry Forum, comprised of AHA livestock industry members, meets to discuss animal health issues, independent of the presence or influence of other members, Animal Health Australia or third parties.
Meetings of the Member’s Forum and Livestock Industry Forum generally coincide with general meetings, which allows discussion of key issues directly with the Board and management and provision of feedback.
We use coordinating committees and technical advisory groups to assist program managers in the operational aspects of particular AHA programs and projects.
We also convene ad hoc consultative groups to address specific issues facing the national animal health system, the company or particular programs and projects.