
Market Assurance Programs (MAPs)

Animal Health Australia (AHA) works with the Australian livestock industries and the state departments of primary industries to manage the Australian Johne’s Disease Market Assurance Programs (MAPs), which highlights herds and flocks with a low risk of infection.

How MAPs provide buyer assurance

How to find a MAP flock or herd

Purpose of the MAPs

Why MAPs are a long-term commitment

How livestock producers can join the MAPs

How veterinarians can offer MAP services

How MAPs are audited

How to promote your MAP status

Different MAPs for different livestock


The JD Market Assurance Program for Alpaca (AlpacaMAP) has closed.

This was decided by the Australian Alpaca Association (AAA), and AHA after low participation numbers for many years and the launch of a new biosecurity initiative for alpacas.

Q Alpaca

Q Alpaca is a voluntary alpaca quality assurance program maintained by the AAA. Alpaca growers who participate in Q Alpaca work with veterinarians.

Alpaca CheQA

A new biosecurity initiative for alpaca owners. There is initially one module of Alpaca CheQA available, with further levels in development.

The baseline module of Alpaca CheQA is available to all members at no cost, with no audit.

Visit the AAA website for more information about their biosecurity programs.


Animal Health Australia (AHA) manages the Australian Market Assurance Program for Goats (GoatMAP) to help producers identify and promote their low risk of Johne’s disease and caprine arthritis encephalitis infection.

Visit the GoatMAP page for more information, forms and manuals.


Animal Health Australia (AHA) manages the Australian Johne’s Disease Market Assurance Program for Sheep (SheepMAP) to help producers identify and promote their low risk of Johne’s disease.

Visit the SheepMAP page for more information, forms and manuals.


CattleMAP for the beef and dairy cattle industries ceased on 1 Nov 2016. See the Johne’s disease in cattle page for how JD is managed now.

MAP training

AHA maintains a MAP training program and associated resources to assist veterinarians to complete the training necessary to meet the requirements of the MAP.

Learn more.

MAP coordinator contacts

New South Wales

MAP Administrator
NSW Department of Primary Industries
PO Box 232
Phone: 02 6552 3000
Email: bfs.admin@dpi.nsw.gov.au


All MAPs
Joanne Mollinger
Department of Agriculture and Fisheries
Ph: 0457 049 728
Email: Joanne.Mollinger@daf.qld.gov.au

Lawrence Gavey
Department of Agriculture and Fisheries
Ph: 0499 860 249
Email: lawrence.gavey@daf.qld.gov.au

South Australia

AlpacaMAP and GoatMAP
Dr Jeremy Rogers
State Flora, Bremer Rd, Murray Bridge
PO Box 469 Murray Bridge SA 5253
Ph: (08) 8539 2110
Fax: (08) 8539 2120
Email: jeremy.rogers@sa.gov.au

Rachel van Dissel
Primary Industries and Regions South Australia
Ph: (08)  8568 6417
Email: Rachel.Van-Dissel@sa.gov.au


MAP Administration
Pritishna Chand
Department of Jobs, Precincts and Regions
475 Mickleham Road
Attwood VIC 3049
0459 865 074
Email: cvo.victoria@agriculture.vic.gov.au


Debbie Grull
Department of Primary Industries, Parks, Water and Environment
PO Box 303
Devonport TAS 7310
Ph: (03) 6478 4121
Email: debra.grull@dpipwe.tas.gov.au

Western Australia

Dr Anna Erickson
Department of Primary Industries and Regional Development
Narrogin, Western Australia 6312
Ph: (08) 9881 0211
Email: anna.erickson@dpird.wa.gov.au