
Animal Biosecurity Research, Development and Extension Strategy

Animal Health Australia (AHA) coordinates the implementation of the National Animal Biosecurity Research, Development and Extension (RD&E) Strategy on behalf of government and industry stakeholders.

These stakeholders include:

  • animal-based rural research and development corporations (RDCs)
  • Australian universities with agriculture and veterinary faculties
  • Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation (CSIRO)
  • Australian, state and territory governments.

The Strategy is one of eight cross-sectoral strategies under the National Primary Industries RD&E Framework and aligns with the national biosecurity framework as part of the Intergovernmental Agreement on Biosecurity (IGAB).

The aims of the NABRDES are to promote coordination and collaboration of animal biosecurity research, development and extension (RD&E) to improve resource efficiencies, reduce duplication and identify gaps. This is achieved through the collaboration of the NABRDES Implementation committee to deliver on:

  • an annual stakeholder forum to identify RD&E needs
  • prioritisation tool for RD&E
  • snapshot assessment of RD&E capability and effort.

Why we need a national strategy

Australia’s animal biosecurity system is complex. It involves coordinated action by industry at all stages of the livestock supply chain, and by governments, researchers, communities and citizens.

Biosecurity risks that affect more than one livestock industry, public health, the economy, or the environment generally require and benefit from cross-sectoral approaches to risk management. Cross-sectoral RD&E is important for assessing existing and emerging biosecurity risks and for developing and evaluating alternative risk management policies and practices that are not necessarily industry specific. This also enables a more efficient use of limited resources and capability. Primary industries and governments are looking to establish more cost-effective coordination and partnership arrangements for delivering RD&E.

It is important for Australia to maintain a critical mass of technical and operational expertise to meet changing industry and government needs and to have flexible, responsive arrangements for accessing and maintaining the key expertise.

The Australian, state and Northern Territory governments, rural RDCs, CSIRO and universities are jointly addressing these needs through various strategies under the National Primary Industries RD&E Framework.

Using a partnership approach, the NABRDES aims to identify and address capability gaps through effective allocation of RD&E resources (including human capability and infrastructure) nationally, by helping to ensure they are applied in an efficient and collaborative way.