Animal Health Australia (AHA), Invasive Species Council (ISC), the Centre for Invasive Species Solutions (CISS) and Plant Health Australia (PHA) have established the Biosecurity 2030 project. This project aims to connect sectors from across the biosecurity collective to explore how to transform Australia’s biosecurity systems to better protect our economy, environment and way of life.
The Biosecurity 2030 Project seeks to address the unprecedented challenges from accelerating global trade and travel that threaten Australia’s agricultural systems, economy, environment and way of life.

It seeks to do this in a proactive manner by creating a platform connecting government, research, industry and community to pave the way for transformational change over the next decade; a stronger biosecurity system and a ‘biosecurity mass movement’.
The project looks to build upon recommendations captured in the Intergovernmental Agreement on Biosecurity review, the CSIRO Biosecurity Futures report and the National Biosecurity Statement in order to future-proof Australia’s biosecurity system.
As part of this project, a biennial Australian Biosecurity Symposium will be held as well as a biennial Australian Biosecurity Workshop.
2nd Australian Biosecurity Symposium

The next Symposium will be held on 3-5 May 2022 at the Royal Pines Resort, Gold Coast, Queensland.
The Symposium will once again focus on biosecurity prevention and provide the opportunity to share research and innovation, explore outside-of-the-box thinking and exchange knowledge and ideas across the biosecurity collective – agriculture (animals and plants), pest animals, weeds, wildlife, aquatics, humans and the environment.
This year’s theme is ‘a decade of biosecurity: turning a moment into a movement.’
We hope you’ll be a part of it!