

Animal Health Australia (AHA) manages the Australian Market Assurance Program for Goats (GoatMAP) to help producers identify and promote their low risk of Johne’s disease and caprine arthritis encephalitis infection.

The role of the MAP is to:

  • provide a source of low-risk replacement goats for those herds who want to avoid introducing infection
  • allow herds to demonstrate their status in a transparent way so that they can sell breeding or herd replacement goats with confidence
  • reduce the risk of JD and CAE being spread at events such as shows and sales.

GoatMAP manual

The GoatMAP manual is reviewed and amended from time to time. For example, the CAEMAP module has been revised in August 2024 and v1.2 is above. Be sure to periodically check the current version of the GoatMAP modules and forms from this website.

GoatMAP forms

Compulsory forms

The following documents are requirements of GoatMAP:

Recommended forms

The following documents are not requirements of GoatMAP but are provided as a resource or reference point:

Advice for veterinarians

Herd certificate and status notification forms are included in the current GoatMAP Forms and Resources but please check with your state MAP coordinator before using the flock certificate form.

In some states, the department of primary industries will issue the flock certificate directly. In others, the state MAP coordinator will advise the veterinarian of the number to record on the herd certificate.

All GoatMAP flocks are required to have an annual review (internal audit) by the GoatMAP veterinarian and comply with the other GoatMAP requirements.

The following instructions have been provided by EMAI for the purposes of milk collection:

Milk sample collection for CAEV testing for herd – Instructions

Milk sample collection for CAEV testing individuals – Instructions