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Member Update – November 2024

29 Nov

2024 Australian Biosecurity Awards – Government

AHA extends its congratulations to Biosecurity Queensland for being recognised at the 2024 Australian Biosecurity Awards for launching the African Swine Fever (ASF) Preparedness and Prevention Project (PPP) in June 2020. This proactive initiative was developed in response to the ASF spread in Asia and the heightened risk it posed to Australia and was expanded to include other priority emergency diseases.

The project delivered a suite of online response-ready tools and conducted both virtual and face-to-face exercises, strengthening response preparedness across government and industry. The ASF PPP concluded in June 2024, earning highly positive feedback from stakeholders.

The project was praised for its practical initiatives supporting emergency animal disease (EAD) preparedness, with a strong emphasis on collaboration with other state and national government agencies, Indigenous stakeholders, and the pig industry sector.

(L-R) AHA CEO Dr Samantha Allan with Biosecurity Queensland award winner and Queensland CVO Allison Crook

March Member Engagement Week – 17 to 20 March 2025

Planning continues for March Member Engagement Week.  The following agenda has been confirmed:

  • Monday 17 March 2025: Industry Forum, Government Forum, Member Networking Event
  • Tuesday 18 March 2025: EADRA Workshop, Member Forum, Member Networking Event
  • Wednesday 19 March 2025: Member Forum, National Management Group Training
  • Thursday 20 March 2025: National Management Group Training

Please note a change of venue for this event, we will host you at the Vibe Hotel Canberra Airport (1 Rogan St, Canberra).

17th International Symposium of Veterinary Epidemiology and Economics

Dr Bronwyn Hendry, Head of Program – Animal Health Surveillance and Monitoring and Emily Sears Manager, EAB Projects, attended the 17th International Symposium of Veterinary Epidemiology and Economics (ISVEE) in Sydney in November 2024. The conference provided a fantastic opportunity to connect with colleagues from across the globe to share insights in animal health epidemiology research, applications and policy. It was also an excellent opportunity to increase AHA’s technical skills related to machine learning and incorporate these learnings into AHA surveillance and monitoring programs.

National Sheep Industry Biosecurity Strategy (NSIBS)

AHA, in collaboration with WoolProducers Australia and Sheep Producers Australia, hosted a workshop focused on refreshing the NSIBS, with key industry and government representatives contributing insights, ideas and strategies for future sheep biosecurity activities.

Northern Breeding Business (NB2) producer workshop

AHA co-funded with Indigenous Land and Sea Corporation and Meat & Livestock Australia the NB2 program. The third workshop in the current phase of the program was held at Mt Isa and on the nearby property Calton Hills, with 20 delegates in attendance.

Indigenous managers and staff are being upskilled in various elements of managing their properties including business skills, pasture management, reproduction as well as biosecurity and EAD awareness.

Ian Perkins, who is the project and workshop facilitator, and other participants tested a beta version of a new Cattle EAD augmented reality app, developed by Think Digital, at this workshop. This will be released in app stores soon.

16th International Colloquium on Paratuberculosis

In October 2024, Dr Rob Barwell, Head of Program – Biosecurity, travelled to Vrindavan, India to attend and present at the 16th International Colloquium on Paratuberculosis where the latest research and developments on paratuberculosis (usually called Johne’s disease in Australia) were presented. There was also a premeeting – the International Paratuberculosis Forum – where representatives from different countries discussed what is being done to manage paratuberculosis in their country. Some long days of presentations were broken up by visits to local sites like the Taj Mahal and Chandrodaya Temple plus nearby Gaushala (a cow rescue shelter).

Exercise Audiatur

Exercise Audiatur  –  a partnership between AHA and Agriculture Victoria (AgVIC) – was delivered to Liaison Livestock Industry (LLI) and AgVIC participants on Tuesday 29 and Wednesday 30 October 2024, at the State Biosecurity Operations Centre in AgVIC’s Attwood facility.

The Exercise, which aimed to improve the delivery of the LLI function for Victorian emergency animal disease responses through upskilling industry representatives and enhancing AgVIC’s processes and support functions, has taken an incredible effort from all those involved to see it to its fruition.

AHA would like to thank everyone who contributed to its planning and delivery, and appreciate the time spared by the dedicated LLIs and AgVIC staff who sought to build on Victoria’s preparedness.

Also in attendance were observers from various allied industries, sectors, and government departments, who we hope can take home some of the valuable learnings collected over the course of the Exercise.

LLI Workshop in the Northern Territory (NT)

Next on AHA’s rotation for LLI training was the NT. AHA has been working closely with the NT Department of Agriculture and Fisheries during the past couple of months, and delivered an LLI workshop in Darwin, on Wednesday 20 November 2024.

The workshop was targeted at those who can step in and take a leadership role during an EAD response and work with government within a control centre and welcomed over 25 attendees from our Peak Industry Bodies and allied industries.

The LLI Workshop served as an opportunity for representatives to forge strong relationships across the sector and was also in support of the Northern Australian Coordination Network (NACN) Project, who AHA engaged in the planning process.

LLI Workshops in New South Wales and Queensland

Following the delivery of LLI training in the Northern Territory, AHA will be working with the NSW Department of Primary Industries and Regional Development to deliver an LLI Workshop in Orange on Wednesday 12 February 2025.

AHA is also in the early stages of working alongside the Queensland Department of Agriculture and Fisheries to organise an LLI workshop. Following the most recent workshop in the NT, the QLD LLI workshop will also support the NACN Project, which will help to strengthen Australia’s overall preparedness in the north of the country.

Keep your eyes out for more information!

National Biosecurity Response Team (NBRT) Recruitment

The Australian Government Department of Agriculture, Fisheries and Forestry (DAFF) and AHA are in the process of recruiting members for the NBRT for the 2024 – 28 tenure period.

DAFF and AHA sought nominations from interested parties across Commonwealth, state, and territory government biosecurity agencies to become members of the NBRT. The NBRT brings together trained and experienced members who may be deployed to assist a jurisdiction in response to biosecurity, agricultural, and environmental incidents.

Members of the NBRT will participate in relevant professional development opportunities and maintain their skills in exercises and/or responses. The induction of the new NBRT membership will be held in February 2025, and the first PD opportunity is scheduled for May 2025.

Upcoming Training

A reminder for all Peak Industry Bodies (PIBs) to please review and update their EAD contact lists for the Consultative Committee on Emergency Animal Disease (CCEAD), National Management Group (NMG) and Liaison – Livestock Industry (LLI) function. All PIBs will have received communications with their industry’s most recent lists and instructions on updating these as necessary. Please ensure all lists are reviewed and updates are communicated with the Training Team at trainingsupport@animalhealthaustralia.com.au by Thursday 12 December 2024.

AHA would like to provide our members with some key dates for upcoming training opportunities to keep in mind as 2024 comes to a close and we set our sights on 2025.

Training SessionDateTimeLocationTarget AudienceRegistrations
LLI WorkshopWednesday 12 February 20258:30 – 4:30pm AEDTOrange, NSWIndustryOpened 15 November 2025
NMG WorkshopWednesday 19 and Thursday 20 March 20251:30 – 4:00pm and 9:00 – 4:00pm AEDTCanberra, ACTGovernment and IndustryOpen February 2025
LLI WorkshopJune 2025TBCQLDIndustryOpen April 2025
CCEAD WorkshopWednesday 24 and Thursday 25 September 2025TBCCanberra, ACTGovernment and IndustryOpen July 2025

Australian Veterinary Emergency Plan (AUSVETPLAN)

The AUSVETPLAN team met with Animal Health Committee and Industry Forum members and observers in person and virtually on 21 November 2024 for the AUSVETPLAN Strategic Planning Meeting for 2025 – 2030. The meeting allowed for comprehensive and lively discussion of key AUSVETPLAN priorities and challenges, with consensus reached on all items raised. Further work will be undertaken on the work plan for the 2025 – 2026 financial year, however participants agreed to progressing work on the AUSVETPLAN response strategy: Peste des petits ruminants and progressing updates to the AUSVETPLAN guidance document: Movement controls. AHA would like to sincerely thank all who attended for their engagement and contribution in the meeting and for helping provide strategic direction for AUSVETPLAN for 2025 – 2030.

Writing groups for the AUSVETPLAN operational manual: Disposal completed their work, and the manual has commenced through the approvals process. Writing groups for the AUSVETPLAN operational manual: Destruction of animals and AUSVETPLAN response strategy: Avian influenza are nearing completion. Lastly, we’re pleased to advise that the new AUSVETPLAN enterprise manual: Northern Australia beef cattle industry has progressed through to the approvals stage. The first meeting for the review of the AUSVETPLAN response strategy: Peste des petits ruminants is set to take place in early December 2024.

Emergency Animal Disease Response Agreement (EADRA)

On 14 November 2024, the EADRA team held the 5th Categorisation Working Group (WG) meeting. During the session, AHA presented an updated approach to guidance on EAD categorisation, with positive engagement and feedback received by WG members. The WG will meet again on 12 December 2024 to continue work in this space, with the intent to discuss the categorisation guidance at the upcoming EADRA Workshop in March 2025.

Work continues on the 2024 EADRA Variations and Amendments following the meeting on 22 October 2024. Meeting minutes and updated amendments reflecting discussion at the meeting were circulated to Parties on 14 November 2024. This will allow Parties additional time to do a final review of the proposed text before it is sent out by AHA for formal approval and signing. AHA requests that any final comments on the minutes and proposed text are provided by COB 5 December 2024.

Recent publications

The Tasmanian Livestock Health Report summarises information on livestock diseases and conditions observed by rural service providers across Tasmania.

Tasmanian Livestock Health Report, October 2024

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