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Member Update – February 2025

31 Jan

Join us for AHA Member Engagement Week

Highlights of the week will include:

  • Industry Forum and Government Forum
  • Emergency Animal Disease Response Agreement Workshop
  • Member networking events on Monday and Tuesday evenings
  • Member Forum: hear from your new Chair, 2025-2030 Draft Strategic Plan, AUSVETPLAN workplan and activities for the year and much more!
    More topics to be announced closer to the event.
  • National Management Group Training on Wednesday afternoon and Thursday (approved nominations only, via separate invite)

We hope you can join us to network with other members across government and industry and engage in meaningful discussions on our national biosecurity system.

Book your accommodation early to secure a discounted rate

Book your accommodation by 16 February 2025 to enjoy discounted rates at the Vibe Hotel Canberra Airport. Use promo code MEWMAR25.

Australian Veterinary Emergency Plan (AUSVETPLAN)

As we move into the new year, preparations are being finalised for the upcoming AUSVETPLAN Technical Review Group (TRG) face-to-face meeting, which will be held in Glenelg, South Australia, between 18 – 20 February 2025.

The AUSVETPLAN response strategy manuals for foot-and-mouth disease (FMD) and African swine fever, as well as the AUSVETPLAN operational manuals for destruction of animals and disposal continue to progress through the approvals process.

The AUSVETPLAN response strategy: Avian influenza is nearing finalisation and will soon be progressed for approval, following the conclusion of the writing group in mid-December 2024. Writing groups for the AUSVETPLAN response strategies classical swine fever and peste des petits ruminants, as well as the AUSVETPLAN operational manual: Livestock welfare management, reconvened in late January, with the writing group for the AUSVETPLAN response strategy: Sheep and goat pox resumed in February.

Furthermore, the AUSVETPLAN enterprise manual: Northern Australia beef cattle industry is currently under review by the Australian Department of Agriculture, Fisheries and Forestry, following review by the TRG.

Emergency Animal Disease Response Agreement (EADRA)

  • Annual variations and amendments have been circulated to all EADRA Signatories and they are due to be signed and returned to AHA by 28 February 2025.
  • The Categorisation Working Group met again on 6 February to continue work on the draft guidance for the categorisation of Emergency Animal Diseases under the EADRA.

A new FMD vaccine (antigen) bank is in place

AHA and Boehringer Ingelheim Animal Health (BIAH) have signed the new Production, Storage and Supply Agreement 2025-2029 for the FMD vaccine (antigen) bank. Following a competitive tender process, BIAH was awarded the multi-year contract to continue to provide antigen and vaccine supply capability as part of Australia’s FMD preparedness.

The tender process involved a detailed assessment of the current FMD risk profile, evaluation of the antigens required for the bank, the number of doses of antigens required and the capabilities of the various international suppliers. The process was also subject to independent review.

In the event of a disease outbreak, AHA will work closely with Australian authorities to match the FMD strain identified as the cause of the outbreak to an antigen in the bank and will make sure BIAH moves swiftly to vaccine production. Once the antigen is identified, BIAH can have vaccines ready for delivery to Australia within six days.

BIAH’s FMD vaccine is a highly purified, high potency inactivated vaccine with potential marker properties that allow differentiation between infected and vaccinated animals (DIVA). These vaccines induce an immune response which is different from that induced by natural infection. DIVA-capable vaccines allow a country to consider emergency vaccination as part of the response strategy from the day an FMD incursion is detected and provides one option to restore a country’s FMD-free trade status through testing and surveillance without necessarily destroying vaccinated animals.

The workplan for the 2025-2029 FMD vaccine (antigen) bank includes a simulation exercise whereby ‘mock’ vaccine is ordered and imported into Australia and then distributed to a ‘mock’ affected jurisdiction. This exercise will test all aspects of the supply arrangements for both vaccine and vaccination equipment.

National Arbovirus Monitoring Program (NAMP) – Bluetongue Virus Zone Map changes

The NAMP monitors the distribution of bluetongue virus, Akabane virus and bovine ephemeral fever virus, and their insect vectors, within Australia. This is done by testing cattle in sentinel and serosurveillance herds, and through insect trapping.

The publicly available Bluetongue Virus Zone Map is based on bluetongue virus monitoring data. It has two zones: the bluetongue virus transmission zone, which includes a buffer area, and the bluetongue virus transmission-free zone.

You can request that AHA notifies you immediately after changes have been made to the Bluetongue Virus Zone Map by subscribing on the Bluetongue Virus Zone Map web page.

The Bluetongue Virus Zone Map was updated in December 2024 and January 2025, as below. There was no evidence of clinical disease associated with the exposure of cattle in these monitored herds to bluetongue virus. 

Western Queensland

On 24 December 2024, there was an expansion of the bluetongue virus transmission zone in the Diamantina and Barcoo Shires of western Queensland after evidence of bluetongue virus infection was detected in a monitored herd near Windorah. This area experienced wet conditions in 2024 after an extended dry period, which enabled expansion of the geographical range of the Culicoides species vectors which can transmit bluetongue virus.

Northern Territory

On 22 January 2025 there was an expansion of the bluetongue virus transmission zone in the mid-eastern border region of the Northern Territory after evidence of bluetongue virus infection was detected in a monitored herd in this region.

Training opportunities

As we look ahead to the new year, AHA has a range of training opportunities that will be delivered in the first quarter of 2025 (January – March).  

National Management Group (NMG) Workshop

As Members Engagement Week approaches, AHA is excited to deliver the NMG workshop to a range of peak industry body’s (PIB) and government representatives. The NMG is the key decision-making body during cost-shared responses to animal health emergencies in Australia. The workshop is targeted at high-level industry and government members who have the authority to make financial commitments to a cost-shared emergency animal disease (EAD) response. These include Chief Executive Officers, presidents (or equivalent), and advisors.

Registrations are currently open and will close on Friday 14 February. If you are interested in attending (either as the members/advisor or for an awareness purpose), please discuss your participation with your peak industry body or government organisation.

For more information, please visit NMG and CCEAD training – Animal Health Australia and the Events – Animal Health Australia.

New South Wales Liaison – Livestock Industry (LLI) Workshop

To begin the new year, the New South Wales Department of Primary Industries and Regional Development, alongside AHA, will deliver a LLI workshop in Orange on Wednesday 12 February 2025. The LLI workshop is an invaluable opportunity for our industry members to increase their preparedness for working in an EAD response.

The LLI workshop is targeted at PIB representatives who can step in and take a leadership role during a response and work with government within a control centre. The workshop will strengthen participants’ understanding of LLI roles and responsibilities by offering practical insights into working effectively within a response framework and learning the nuances of communication in EAD scenarios. The workshop will importantly offer an opportunity to forge strong relationships across the sector, creating a unified front against the threats of EADs.

National Biosecurity Response Team (NBRT) Induction

The new NBRT membership for the 2025-28 tenure period has been finalised and the 70 members will engage in a virtual induction webinar in February. The Australian Government Department of Agriculture, Fisheries and Forestry, and AHA will welcome members to the NBRT program and enhance their understanding of the program’s purpose and governance arrangements.

The induction webinar is the first of many opportunities for members to foster strong partnerships, and strengthen individual, jurisdictional, and national biosecurity emergency preparedness and response capabilities. By developing a continuous learning culture, it is expected that members will cascade their knowledge and experiences within their home jurisdictions and further promote biosecurity/incident response best practices. 

AHA Training Officer rides for mental health: Zoo2Zoo charity ride 2025

Our Training Officer, Bronte Clifford, is taking part in the annual Zoo2Zoo charity ride—marking her sixth consecutive year of supporting this amazing cause.

Bronte’s support for the Black Dog Institute and its vital work in improving mental health outcomes for Australians drives her commitment to this event. Funds raised through the ride directly support those experiencing mental health challenges, with this year’s participants aiming to raise over $100,000 to make a meaningful difference.

This year’s ride spans an incredible 1500 km over nine days starting in Melbourne, Victoria, and finishing in Dubbo, New South Wales. Along the way, riders champion mental health awareness and much-needed support for the cause.

Learn more

Recent publications

The Farm Biosecurity e-Newsletter is a bi-monthly publication that contains the latest pest and disease alerts, updates about new resources such as videos, factsheets, apps, and other relevant on-farm biosecurity developments.

Farm Biosecurity December / January issue

Around the traps