Happy New Year! I hope you all managed to enjoy a restful and relaxing break.
The team here at Animal Health Australia (AHA) are ready for another big year and are looking forward to working with you.
We are progressing the program for March Member Engagement Week scheduled for 17- 20 March. Registrations are now open, and we have secured a discounted member rate for accommodation at the Vibe Hotel, Canberra.
For more details and to register, please use the link in the Member Update.
2025-2030 AHA Strategy Plan Survey
We look forward to sharing the progress of the 2025-30 Strategic Plan at Member Engagement week. As you know, to supplement our September Members’ week session we created a survey to capture any further ideas. We are extending the time to access the survey here until until Wednesday 19 February 2025 to ensure all members have the opportunity to share their thoughts.
We look forward to working with you in developing a strategic plan that is fit for purpose and will meet the opportunities and challenges in the animal health and biosecurity landscape.
The current AHA Strategic Plan is available on our website if you need additional background – Our 2025 Strategy – Animal Health Australia.
Foot and Mouth Disease (FMD)
We are aware of the recent World Organisation for Animal Health announcement of an outbreak of FMD in Germany. This is a stark reminder of the importance of remaining vigilant and working together to ensure the long-term viability of Australia’s livestock industries and biosecurity system.