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CEO Update – February 2025

31 Jan

We are now well and truly into the working year! The Animal Health Australia (AHA) team are busy preparing for the first AHA Board Meeting of 2025 as well as Member Engagement week. Read below for some key updates.

Member Engagement Week

At our first member engagement week for the year, there will be the usual Members’, Industry and Government Forums, networking functions, EADRA workshop and National Management Group training.   

At the Members Forum we will share the draft 2025-2030 Strategic Plan, provide an update on the AOP and planning for the new animal health database project.

I look forward to seeing many of you there. You can register here.

Farewell and new staff appointments

In August 2024, Michael Sykes joined AHA as a consultant on a fixed term contract to provide support at the General Management level. In the time he has been with us, Michael has made a positive contribution to our corporate and board functions, and we thank him for his excellent work. Michael will be returning to the financial services sector in March as CEO of a superannuation fund. As we bid farewell to Michael, I am pleased to advise we have welcomed two new staff members to the AHA team.

Jane Brooks joined the AHA team as General Manager, Corporate. Jane has extensive experience as a COO / CFO in a range of sectors including biosecurity and non-for-profit.

Dr Jane Owens also joined us as Head of Program – AUSVETPLAN. Jane is a veterinarian with post-graduate qualifications in veterinary public health and epidemiology.  Jane will bring with her experience in emergency preparedness, emergency response and policy development to lead the AUSVETPLAN program.


Samantha Allan