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AHA CEO Update – May 2023

10 May

Last night saw the delivery of the Labor government’s second Federal Budget. Last night saw the delivery of the Labor government’s second Federal Budget. I was pleased to see new investment announced to the tune of more than $1 billion to support Australia’s biosecurity system but we remain cautious around implementation and rollout.

Read the full budget article for more details.

In April, AHA Board met and continued their engagement and discussions with members and key stakeholders, meeting with Australian Pork Limited’s CEO Margo Andrae, Integrity Systems Company’s CEO Jane Weatherly and Australian Deputy Chief Veterinary Officer Dr Beth Cookson.

As part of our discussions with Margo Andrae, the topic of sustainable biosecurity funding was raised, along with key biosecurity initiatives being implemented by the pork industry. Jane Weatherly gave the current ‘state of play’ on traceability in Australia, and further information on the development of a new national traceability platform being funded through DAFF.

Dr Beth Cookson discussed the work being undertaken to strengthen our northern borders through the Northern Australia Biosecurity Strategy and the work being undertaken by the Northern Australia Biosecurity Framework Reference Group, of which AHA is also a member. Dr Cookson also discussed how they are engaging more with first nations people in their biosecurity preparedness activities, including their role in emergency disease response and the importance of ensuring response plans take into account the cultural and value elements of plants and animals in these regions. These considerations will be reflected in the EADRA 5-year review.

The Board also met with Dept Agriculture, Fisheries and Forestry (DAFF) Deputy Secretary of Biosecurity and Compliance, Dr Chris Locke and Inspector General of Biosecurity, Dr Lloyd Klumpp, discussing initiatives and challenges in relation to national animal health and the biosecurity system and the opportunities for AHA to provide continued support.

Finally, I would like to finish by acknowledging that our 2023-24 Annual Operating Plan (AOP) consultation has concluded. Individual meetings were held with our member representatives to discuss the increase to core subscriptions and associated programs for the upcoming financial year. A final copy of the AOP will be provided to members well in advance of the General Meeting scheduled for 21 June.